Friday, May 20, 2011

War on Music Mountain

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The damn-delions and the daffy-dils are battling it out under the birch tree. The annual weed war is beginning now.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fathers and Sons

Good Friends and Neighbors pose for a moment in time on a spring day in May. Erik and Rich Lunna; Paul and Pav Mollomo.  Sal and I thought they looked like a group of Irish Peat Diggers.  
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I have always wished that I had flowers in the spring. Last fall I planted a bunch of bulbs and this spring I have them. Here is a small bouquet over my kitchen sink.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Froggy Morning

 A tiny frog clings briefly to my kitchen window on this foggy rainy morning. That's what I love about living here. If you keep your eyes open, there is something special to see every single day--even if it's only for a moment-- but just enough time for me to find a quarter!

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