Sunday, August 5, 2012

Tweed River Music Festival

This morning I heard the flute-like song of a  Hermit Thrush from the woods.    Later I heard  the vibrations of the Tweed River Music Festival drifting up Music Mountain from the junction of Routes 100 and 107.  I love to hear all kinds of music here on the hill : )

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Queen Anne's Lace

The roadside is adorned with the wildflower 'Queen Anne's Lace.'   Walking up the road on this warm night of the first full moon in August,  the doily-like blossoms remind me of giant snowflakes!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


 The cloud cover is heavy and  the sunlight so dim that it leaves no shadows. I snipped the spent blooms  of 'Hyperion' Lily and found a  spider clinging there.