Sunday, September 30, 2012

ABC's of Autumn

Asters, Basil and Colorful leaves in the Distance.  My kitchen window is an alphabet book of fall.  Early Fog, Green grass, I could keep on going with this  but I want to get out there and go for a walk.  Bye!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Monarch's Migration

Many monarchs congregate in the flower gardens at this time of year.  Their favorite feast in September is Autumn Joy Sedum.  Soon they will make their journey to the mountains of central Mexico where they will spend the winter.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Paper Wasps!

Paper Wasps are amazing architects.  They make their building material by chewing wood fibers and making "paper."   What an impressive addition  the wasps have created under the eaves of our house. 

Succession of a Sunset

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Baby Snapping Turtle

Rich found this baby turtle in the driveway.  He brought it in the house to show me.   Its shell is about the size of a walnut.   The  hooked nose and coloring  makes me think that it may be a snapping turtle.  We carried it out to the pond where there is a little bit of water and mud and he swam away.